lush outdoor garden themed wedding blend with grand arches of cathedrals

Garden-inspired Wedding for Joseph & Monique

A garden-inspired #styledbyKhim wedding where we designed a sculptural ceiling, drawing inspiration from the grand indoor arches of cathedrals. Below, we crafted a spacious walkway reminiscent of a lush outdoor garden, seamlessly blending elegance with nature—a captivating setting for the wedding of Joseph & Monique🌷

lush outdoor garden themed wedding blend with grand arches of cathedrals seamless blend of architectural splendor and garden charm wedding reception garden serenity meets cathedrals grandeur wedding reception when nature’s lush beauty blends with the majesty of grand arches wedding reception a wedding design inspired by both grandeur and nature's touch lush florals on this garden-inspired wedding reception structural arches and chandeliers on garden-inspired wedding entrance of our garden-inspired wedding reception tables adorned with fresh flowers union of grandeur and nature on this garden-inspired wedding nature’s lush beauty dances with the majesty of grand arches garden-inspired wedding

Garden-inspired Wedding Suppliers

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